Press coverage for The Dream

The Blue Mountains Gazette and the Penrith City Star gave some good covrage for our production of A Misummer Nights Dream last week.

For more details of the show, see below... or the the ABC's Big Diary entry.

Link to the Penrith City Star article.

The Acting Factory presents "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as part of its annual Shakespeare by the River series.

February 20 - March 14

Men are asses, redcoats are in love and Celtic Gods are confounded by a mischievous spirit as old and as powerful and the land itself.

Bring a picnic and settle back in the moonlight dreamers all.

"The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve... tis almost fairy time..."

Saturday & Sunday Evenings - 7:30pm

Regatta Park, River Road, Emu Plains.

A $10 (per head) contribution is encouraged.

for a map, please visit

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